• Startup accelerator in the maritime sector

    Corporate partners

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  • Next Challenges

    Are you driven by a vision of a more productive, sustainable, and safe maritime industry? 
    Do you have a game-changing technology or service that could elevate the quality of our environment? 
    We're searching for passionate leaders like you, ready to make a difference. Come join us and let's shape the future of maritime together.
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    Maritime decarbonization and sustainable innovation

    • Solutions aimed at reducing emissions from ships
    • Transition energy initiatives and decarbonization strategies for naval and maritime assets.
    • Integration of renewable energy sources and innovative technologies to reduce carbon footprint in port, infrastructure, and logistics operations.
    • Efforts to extend product portfolios to include sustainable and eco-friendly options.
    • Acceleration of digitalization processes to optimize operations and reduce environmental impact.
    • Initiatives to decarbonize oil and gas activities in regions like Asia and Australia.
    • Solutions for reducing emissions from ships while waiting in a specific area.
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    Maritime equipment surveillance and safety solutions

    • Surveying services for mapping, inspection, measurement, and positioning, including the use of specialized equipment such as sediment sonar and magnetometers for AUVs.
    • Automatic detection of anomalies on pipelines in murky waters using video technology.
    • Focus on data collection and analysis for better understanding and management of maritime equipment.
    • Implementing rigorous measures to ensure comprehensive security and operational safety, including realt-time monitoring, threat detection, risk assessment, and preventive maintenance.
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    Marine data management & Environment surveillance

    • Investigating the dynamics of underwater environments
    • Developing innovative business models for data-driven marine solutions
    • Improving connectivity for subsea equipment and networks
    • Deploying cutting-edge ocean monitoring systems
    • Managing and protecting coastal ecosystems
    • Advancing digital transformation in marine operations
  • Program benefits

    Whether you're a startup or an established company, the Blue Tech Club offers numerous advantages

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    • Join an ecosystem specialized in Blue technology
    • Obtain experimentation opportunities
    • Secure financing from leading maritime players



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    • Source the most relevant startups
    • Identify use cases
    • Evaluate the potential for collaboration
    • Test technologies in a maritime environment
    • Share inspiration and thoughts with peers
  • What's next ?



    Applications for the batch 3 are now closed. If you want to apply to batch 4, please feel free to contact damaris.gros@impulse-partners.com.



    Selected startups will pitch to a panel of members.



    Once mutual interest has been established, join the Impulse Parnters network and collaborate with Blue Tech Club partners.

  • Questions ?

    Ask away and we'll get back to you as soon as possible !